Orient Eye Hospital
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Retinal Surgeries

Retinal surgery is a delicate procedure that repairs problems with the eye's retina. This surgery uses tiny instruments to access the back of the eye. It aims to improve or preserve vision by addressing issues like retinal tears or detachments. Understanding the specifics of your condition and the surgery can help alleviate concerns.

Ophthalmologist at Orient eye hospital will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Retina department at Orient eye hospital is full equipped with state of art technology to manage common and uncommon retinal diseases like :

Diabetic retinopathy most common disease which leads to permanent blindness in uncontrolled diabetic patients

Age related macular degeneration

Retinal vein and artery occlusion

Retinal Hole

Our surgeons can perform Retinal laser procedures when ever required

Note:If you have a dilated eye exam regularly, you and your doctor can find diabetic retinopathy before it has a chance to get worse. For most people, this will mean an eye exam every year. Finding retinopathy early gives you a better chance of avoiding vision loss and blindness.